Drone Legends


About the project:


How to introduce children to the world of drone technology? You make it relevant and fun. This is exactly what the winners of this category are doing. Drone Legends created a downloadable STEM themed lesson based on the Mars Ingenuity mission. The lesson illustrated the engineering and physics challenges associated with testing drones on other planets, while encouraging students to press for solutions through a problem-based learning approach. The result is a holistic STEM experience for young children that incorporates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and starts creating tomorrow's drone innovators today!

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What Airwards Judges said:

This is an excellent example of a detail-oriented, curriculum-linked drone education project for young students, which will help to create a generation of students aware of the benefits of UAV technology and applications. The next step is to get this in the hands of more schools and trade training centres.

See our 21/22 Judges






Wildlife Drones