Eligibility & Rules
We welcome and celebrate many different individuals and companies fundamentally working on drone use cases, however there are some eligibility requirements and rules to check first, before you nominate. We need these in order for our awards to be standardised and fair across the various different categories and throughout the voting process.
We want Airwards to be as accessible as possible and all nominees must meet our eligibility criteria every year. By ensuring that those nominating follow fundamental guidelines which reflect our criteria, best practices and ethos, those voting have all the necessary information to make their decisions in identifying the most inspirational people and companies out there.
Who can be nominated?
We’re trying to keep criteria and eligibility for our people’s choice as broad and open as possible, so when considering nominating you should be aware of and fulfil the following. The individual or company can be:
From anywhere around the world 🌎🌍🌏
Anyone, as long as they are related to or working in the drone industry 📑
Airwards Corporate or Strategic Partners 🤝
Main category entrants who don’t make the shortlist round of judging stage 📌
Those nominated in previous years who didn’t win ✔️
Who can’t be nominated?
We’re sorry to say that there are some companies / individuals who we sadly can’t accept as a nominee, we know - heart breaking. However, this is in the interest of ensuring that the shortlisted candidates match our eligibility criteria. In short, not an exhaustive list, individuals or companies cannot be:
Previous years winners (for a minimum of 3 years after their win) or previous years shortlist round entrants (of the main Airwards categories)
Airwards Judges or The Airwards Team
People not affiliated with drone industry (sorry David Beckham)
Yourself or your company, you cannot nominate yourself and you have to be nominated by someone else
Sorry, but no posthumous nominations can be made
Rules are made to be broken. Right? Wrong!
They’re pretty much the foundation of what we’re trying to do here. They help us maintain equality and fairness as well as achieve the necessary high standard that we pride ourselves on.
These are different from the eligibility of entering Airwards and are the rules we expect all those nominated to be bound by. If any of these are broken or a nominee / shortlist is found to have breached them, then the instance will be reviewed and may result in disqualification altogether. Those nominating and those who are nominated should take note that:
Nominate directly via the Airwards Website here (email, letter, carrier pigeon are not valid and will not be accepted).
You can nominate as many individuals / companies you like provided they meet the eligibility + criteria.
When voting, you get only 1 votes per category per email address
Email addresses are checked for spam and any deemed inappropriate will be removed from the final vote scoring.
You can’t nominate yourself, you have to be nominated by someone else.
In the event that we have more than 10 people per category nominated, the shortlist will consist of those with the most nominations first, and scale down until the maximum 10 people is reached.
Airwards reserves the right to not include nominations (either before or after any awards are given) based on our T&C’s, criteria or eligibility. No feedback will be given on these decisions.
You can’t retract your vote so take your time and be careful in your choices
Airwards retain editing rights to nominations information.
Spam emails and bot votes will be removed and not included in the voting.
What is Airwards built on, what holds everything together and what are the reasons for our existence?
Those are just some of the small questions we asked ourselves during our creation. Our brand pillars not only set us apart, summing up our outlook on the things that matter most to you, but they are also the criteria which guide the nominations to our People’s Choice
We believe these best reflect and represent the drone industry externally and we use them to guide us in everything we do. Having this strong foundation enables us to truly champion those who believe in a better world by recognising their innovation and positive real world impact by demonstrating that Life’s Better With Drones.
When voting for the People’s Choice you should consider those who are both emerging and established as well as if they are:
Driving work which is having a real world impact
A role model and inspirational to you
Collaborative, supporting the wider ecosystem
Working on innovative drone solutions
Promoting responsible and safe drone use
Positively shaping the industry

Promoting pioneering ideas that are successfully challenging the perception of what a drone is and can be.
Recognising this key aspect of every drone flight to advocate legitimate behaviour as best practice standard.
Real-World / Impact
Asking the question: ‘How are drones making a difference?’ by demonstrating quantifiable outcomes and real-world solutions.