People’s Choice
People’s Choice Categories
No one likes being put into a box, so here we have some boxes for you to put yourself into 🧐 12 of them to be exact
Our category descriptions and criteria have been written to guide those nominating on what details you need to provide with your nomination. However, we do not expect square pegs to fit in round holes and some of you might need help on where to nominate to.
In these circumstances, the descriptions are open to an element of interpretation and rest assured we’ll be taking into context any questions or queries you have. We have provided a definition for each of the groups, as well as an explanation and note relating to each of the individual categories. You can find more information about the category groups here. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or have any questions, please contact us.
Organisation - External Advocate
Entities that are non-drone companies who support the use of / work with drones in the wider context, but are not part of the drone industry specifically.
With the drone industry still in its infancy, it needs other industries' support in furthering the use of drones. By working together in helping industries understand how drones can add value to their own, we can progress faster together. The drone industry needs to engage and listen to external sectors as much as possible and share knowledge to ensure drones are used in constructive and positive ways. Early adopters of drone use are already engaged in its promotion and they realise that by working with the drone industry in the right way we can be better together.
Organisation - Startup
This category recognises those companies that have put everything into strategising the expansion and cost of doing business.
<25 ppl or annual turnover <£5m or <3 years trading
Whoever said “The hardest step is the first” surely wasn’t an entrepreneur: that initial venture into business marks the start of years of lesson-learning that can make life more like a case of three steps forwards, four steps back. We want to recognise nominees who are taking the next steps in this journey with a bustling energy of resilience, overcoming obstacles, learning by doing, and forging the experience needed to conquer bigger and better things.
Organisation - SME
This category recognises the organisations that hone talent which in turn spurs new technologies, industries and jobs.
25-249 ppl or annual turnover £5m-£50m or + 3 yrs trading
In today’s climate, where user experience and fast-flowing trends are key mobilisers in industry, small businesses are powerful in terms of their youthful energy and agile nature. This category showcases organisations with outstanding initiative, boldness, and imagination, as well as sound management practices, and recognises their resilience, fortitude and the vital role these entities play in furthering the industry.
Organisation - Enterprise
This category recognises the large businesses leading the way and making significant contributions to the drone industry.
+250 ppl or annual Turnover +£50m or +3 yrs trading
Whether it’s operating in multiple countries, having a greater political influence, undertaking longer term planning or producing larger scale efficiency and technology through their operations, enterprises have a vision for growth, innovation and leaders who understand the key challenges ahead.
Organisation - Standards
Recognising entities* around the world that are involved in the oversight, regulation, governance and standardisation of drone operations and who, given constraints, are working in the area of enabling safe and beneficial drone use.
*We are aware that there are multiple and complex levels and layers around the world to what constitutes an entity therefore we define it as a regional or international organisation, association, authority, a regulator or working group.
The winner of this category will be decided by a mixture of public voting and a final confirmatory decision by the Airwards Judges done on a guideline 70/30 split. The reason for this validation is due to the unique nature of the work that these entities are doing.
Organisation - Media Outlets
This category recognises the organisations producing different forms of media and doing so in a manner which reflects truthful, factual, and fair content.
How are you informed on drone developments, news and advancements? How do you consume your content from those who work on, produce or distribute? Be it Video / YouTube, Podcasts, Magazines, Social Media Groups, White Papers, or something else, if they are championing truth and responsible drone use in innovative ways they fit this category. This is different from educational / research which has its own main entry category.
Person - Disruptor
This category recognises an individual who is creating a product, service, or method that displaces existing market leaders and may eventually position them at the helm of the sector.
All disruptors are innovators but not all innovators are disruptors. The nominees here are potentially outsiders, or idealists rather than industry insiders or market specialists, aiming to create breakthroughs that bring advancement to and disrupt the industry. This category is for the dreamers, those who are purpose-driven pioneers of change. The winner will engender these attributes through unique alternatives that have improved their sector and disrupted the status quo.
Person - Industry Impactor
This category recognises an individual who, irrespective of where they are and what they work on, is making waves, is respected in their field and has given back the most to the industry.
It celebrates those focusing on the market opportunity identified, the model to capitalise on it and how it has been executed. Sir Ronald Cohen quotes “An impact is the measure of an action’s benefit to society and the planet.” These individuals are adopting a new paradigm of risk-return-impact, doing well and doing good at the same time, acting now and improving lives through their work. They are having a positive and powerful effect on the industry and have been actively involved in the drone industry for at least five years.
Person - Rising Star
This category recognises that it is not about young versus old. This is about celebrating and recognising the achievements of those at the beginning of their career or new to the sector.
Not only the future of business, the rising star is the innovative zest of the industry today. They are the data-literate, socially savvy sharers who create new technologies to render old problems defunct. Their fearless spirit invigorates monopolies with fresh competition, while their acumen as drone pioneers empowers local businesses to adopt global horizons. With ideally less than five years’ experience in the industry, they have still made a strong impact, with stories rich in anecdotes of seized opportunity and dynamic response to the many pitfalls that lie in wait for those who are passionate for progress. The winner will be a beacon of inspiration to people irrespective of age, industry or location.
Person - Executive / Senior Leadership
This category represents not just senior leadership in enterprise size organisations but also those founders within startups or SMEs who are working tirelessly in the pursuit of greatness.
These individuals have the ability to influence and guide both employees and a company itself. They fulfil business activities such as organisational goals, strategic planning development and overall decision making. We’re looking at recognising all areas of "C-suite" positions.
Person - Under 30
This category recognises the outstanding achievement and career potential among young professionals representing our industry's future.
These individuals rejuvenate workplace cultures and help reimagine brands in an ever complex digital environment. They are the upstarts, youngsters, the millennials (just) and Generation Z voices. These individuals are showing early career achievements, insights into innovation, an ability to influence and likely pull the industry forward.
Person - Pilot / Operator
This category acknowledges those individuals working with and flying drones. They are someone to look up to, producing incredible groundbreaking work and pushing the barriers within safe and responsible drone use.
They represent and reflect the ethos, criteria and values of Airwards; working in a safe and responsible way but also pushing innovative techniques and making a real impact in their field, be that via photography, videography, freelancing, professional commercial operations and everything in between. This category is not to recognise the output work, but instead focus on the individual behind the drone.