Their camera-mounted drones can quickly identify faults in power lines in need of repair and alert providers of any issues before they can affect the electricity supply to nearby homes.

Developing a long-range UAS to measure methane gas in a safer and more cost-effective way. Flylogix addresses the critical problem of accurately measuring and quantifying emissions.

Its remote access, drone-in-a-box solution which removes the need for manual inspections on industrial sites resulting in reduced cost, time, resource and risk.

The world’s most advanced software stacks for unmanned flight. Their use of BVLOS flown at close quarters combined with advanced on-board world sensing and mapping, results in capturing highly detailed asset condition data for grid owners and operators.

Their innovative solution in resolving burial space issues. Combining high-resolution drone imagery, geographical information systems, cloud-based software, and cemetery records.

Organisation - SME

Organisation - External Advocate


Flyby Technology